eVisa application

eVisa application service (Information collection deadline: Aug. 15th, 2016)


Introduction of eVisa: http://www.boca.gov.tw/content.asp?mp=2&CuItem=7283


If you do not meet at least one of the conditions below, and need to apply for an eVisa, you will need to apply for an eCode. To smooth out the process, the local host of ICHE 2016 will organize group application for eCode on behalf of all applicants and send each applicant an individual eCode via email around the beginning of October.

(1) I am from a Visa Exempt country.

(2) I am a citizen of China

(3) I am from one of the following eVisa eligible countries: Belize, Brunei, Burkina Faso,                            Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Kiribati,                  Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Nicaragua, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and          Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands,          Swaziland, Turkey, and Tuvalu. Citizens from these countries may apply directly for an eVisa                without an eCode.


If you need an eCode to apply for an eVisa, please fill out this form and return to us at iche2016@mail.hyd.ncku.edu.tw with title: eVisa application. This form must be returned by Aug. 15th, 2016 to ensure the timely receipt of your eCode.



Passport No:


Given Name:

Date of Birth:    (yyyy/mm/dd)

Date of Expiry:   (yyyy/mm/dd)

Sex:    (M/F/X)

Please note that getting an eCcode does not guarantee that your eVisa application will be successful.