The ICHE 2016 provides a discount in Shangri-La Hotel, Tainan.
If you choose to stay in Shangri-La Hotel, Tainan, please use the specific booking system as identified below. If not, other choices are also provided.
Specific booking system for ICHE 2016 participants (Deadline: 2016/9/15 23:59)
89 Section West, University Road, Tainan, 70146, Taiwan
Tel: +886-6-702-8888 |
No.2,Dasyue Rd.,East District. Tainan City 701,Taiwan
Tel: +886-6-275-8999
6 min walking distance from the conference venue
1 Cheng Gong Road, West Central Dist, Tainan 70050, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel: 886-6-2289101
12 min walking distance from the conference venue